Notebook 2 - Inference#
In this notebook we use harissa
to perform network inference from a small dataset with 4 genes.
import numpy as np
import sys; sys.path += ['../']
from harissa import NetworkModel
from pathlib import Path
fname = 'data.txt'
data_path = Path(fname)
Let us start by defining a test network which will represent the ground truth. Note that the underlying dynamical model has quantitative parameters.
# Initialize the model
model = NetworkModel(4)
# Set degradation rates
model.d[0] = 1
model.d[1] = 0.2
# Set basal activities
model.basal[1:] = -5
# Set interactions
model.inter[0,1] = 10
model.inter[1,2] = 10
model.inter[1,3] = 10
model.inter[3,4] = 10
model.inter[4,1] = -10
model.inter[2,2] = 10
model.inter[3,3] = 10
The harissa.utils
module provides build_pos
and plot_network
to visualize networks.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from harissa.utils import build_pos, plot_network
# Number of genes including stimulus
G = model.basal.size
# Node labels and positions
names = [''] + [f'{i+1}' for i in range(G)]
pos = build_pos(model.inter) * 0.8
# Draw the network
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
plot_network(model.inter, pos, axes=fig.gca(), names=names, scale=3)
We start by generating a sample time-course scRNA-seq dataset: here the main function is model.simulate()
. The dynamical model is first run during a certain time without stimulus (burnin
parameter) before activating it at \(t=0\). Each single cell is then collected at a particular time point \(t > 0\) during the simulated experiment: in this example there are 10 experimental time points and C
/10 cells per time point.
# Simulate a time-course scRNA-seq dataset
if not data_path.is_file():
# Number of cells
C = 1000
# Set the time points
k = np.linspace(0, C, 11, dtype='int')
t = np.linspace(0, 20, 10, dtype='int')
print('Time points: ' + ', '.join([f'{ti}' for ti in t]))
print(f'{int(C/t.size)} cells per time point (total {C} cells)')
# Time point of each cell
time = np.zeros(C, dtype='int')
for i in range(10):
time[k[i]:k[i+1]] = t[i]
# Prepare data
data = np.zeros((C,G), dtype='int')
data[:,0] = time # Time points
# Generate data
for k in range(C):
sim = model.simulate(time[k], burnin=5)
data[k,1:] = np.random.poisson(sim.m[0])
# Save data in basic format
np.savetxt(fname, data, fmt='%d', delimiter='\t')
print(f'Dataset file {fname} has been generated.')
data = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=int, delimiter='\t')
print(f'Dataset file {fname} loaded.')
Time points: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20
100 cells per time point (total 1000 cells)
Dataset file data.txt has been generated.
Note that each scRNA-seq count is obtained by sampling from a Poisson distribution whose rate (mean) parameter is given by the corresponding continuous-valued mRNA level from the stochastic dynamical model. A typical way to implement technical factors (efficiency of reverse transcription, sequencing depth, etc.) would be to first multiply, before applying the Poisson distribution, the continuous values by scaling factors.
[[ 0 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 6 0 0]
[ 20 23 15 104 104]
[ 20 2 54 9 148]
[ 20 8 98 191 112]]
Each row corresponds to a single cell; the first column contains time points, while other columns contain gene expression counts.
Network Inference#
Here the main function is
. The first call may take a while due to the Numba compilation (activated by default).
model1 = NetworkModel()
# Calibrate the model
# Show inferred links
[[ 0. 4.31440281 0.15239797 0.16995842 0.09030469]
[ 0. 4.68805338 2.19748205 2.06486797 0.01485657]
[ 0. -0.03942769 5.20934837 0.80001792 0.23226331]
[ 0. -0.04888055 0.46641089 5.4594253 1.90653132]
[ 0. -2.36083684 0.68133831 0.07567661 4.85294627]]
Note that the first column of model.inter
will always be 0 since the stimulus (gene 0) has no feedback by hypothesis. In order to better visualize the results, we can apply a cutoff to edge weights:
cutoff = 1
inter_c = (np.abs(model1.inter) > cutoff) * model1.inter
[[ 0. 4.31440281 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 4.68805338 2.19748205 2.06486797 0. ]
[ 0. -0. 5.20934837 0. 0. ]
[ 0. -0. 0. 5.4594253 1.90653132]
[ 0. -2.36083684 0. 0. 4.85294627]]
Hopefully this looks nice!
# Draw the network
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
plot_network(inter_c, pos, axes=fig.gca(), names=names, scale=3)
Note that self-interactions are notoriously difficult to infer; they are usually not considered in performance evaluations.
Option: disable Numba#
To perform inference without Numba acceleration, set the use_numba
option to False
(useful when Numba is not available or generates errors).
model2 = NetworkModel()
# Calibrate the model, use_numba=False)
# Show inferred links
[[ 0. 4.31440281 0.15239797 0.16995842 0.09030469]
[ 0. 4.68805338 2.19748205 2.06486797 0.01485657]
[ 0. -0.03942769 5.20934837 0.80001792 0.23226331]
[ 0. -0.04888055 0.46641089 5.4594253 1.90653132]
[ 0. -2.36083684 0.68133831 0.07567661 4.85294627]]
You can now delete data.txt
and try to generate new data with different values for C
(number of cells) to see its impact on performance.