Source code for harissa.utils.plot_network

Plotting networks
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import (Circle, Rectangle, FancyArrowPatch,
    Arc, Polygon, ArrowStyle)

# Edge colors
activ = plt.get_cmap('tab10')(2)
inhib = plt.get_cmap('tab10')(3)

[docs] def build_pos(inter, method=None): """ Compute node layout given an interaction matrix. """ G = inter.shape[0] # Define graph graph = nx.Graph() for i in range(G): graph.add_node(i) for j in range(0,G): graph.add_node(j) if np.abs(inter[i,j] != 0): graph.add_edge(i, j) # Compute graph layout p = np.random.normal(size=(G,2)) if method is None: p = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(graph, pos=p) if method == 'graphviz': p = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(graph, prog='neato') # Return node positions pos = np.zeros((G,2)) for k in range(0,G): pos[k,:] = p[k] scale = 1 if method is None else 2/(pos.max()-pos.min()) center = pos.mean(axis=0) if G > 0 else 0 return scale * (pos - center)
#### Plotting functions #### def node(k, ax, pos, name, scale=1., color=None, fontsize=None, nodesize=1.): if color is None: color = 'gray' if fontsize is None: fontsize = 8*scale x, y = pos[k,0] * scale, pos[k,1] * scale r = nodesize * 0.1 * scale # Node shape circle1 = Circle((x, y), radius=r, fill=True, facecolor='white', edgecolor='lightgray', lw=1*scale, zorder=3, clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(circle1) # Node label ax.text(x, y - 0.007*scale, name, color=color, fontsize=fontsize, zorder=4, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') def link(k1, k2, ax, pos, weight, bend=0., scale=1., nodesize=1., alpha=None): # Node coordinates x1, y1 = pos[k1,0]*scale, pos[k1,1]*scale x2, y2 = pos[k2,0]*scale, pos[k2,1]*scale shrink = 9 * scale * nodesize if alpha is None: alpha = 1 # Case 1: activation if weight > 0: style = ArrowStyle('Simple', tail_width=1.1*scale, head_width=3.5*scale, head_length=5*scale) arrow = FancyArrowPatch((x1,y1), (x2,y2), arrowstyle=style, shrinkA=shrink, shrinkB=shrink, fc=activ, lw=0, zorder=0, connectionstyle='arc3,rad={}'.format(bend), clip_on=False, alpha=alpha) ax.add_artist(arrow) # Case 2: inhibition if weight < 0: style = ArrowStyle('Simple', tail_width=1.1*scale, head_width=0, head_length=1e-9*scale) arrow = FancyArrowPatch((x1,y1), (x2,y2), arrowstyle=style, shrinkA=shrink, shrinkB=shrink, fc=inhib, lw=0, zorder=0, connectionstyle='arc3,rad={}'.format(bend), clip_on=False, alpha=alpha) ax.add_artist(arrow) r = 0.125*nodesize u = pos[k2] - pos[k1] u0 = u/np.sqrt(np.sum(u**2)) x0 = (pos[k1,0] + r*u0[0])*scale y0 = (pos[k1,1] + r*u0[1])*scale dx = (u[0] - 2*r*u0[0])*scale dy = (u[1] - 2*r*u0[1])*scale h_width = 0.07*scale h_height = 0.015*scale x1, y1 = x0 + dx, y0 + dy d = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) u = np.array([dx, dy])/d v = np.array([dy,-dx])/d x = x1 + 0.2*h_height*u[0] + 0.5*h_width*v[0] y = y1 + 0.2*h_height*u[1] + 0.5*h_width*v[1] if v[0] > 0: angle = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(v[1]/v[0]) - 180 elif v[0] < 0: angle = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(v[1]/v[0]) else: angle = np.sign(u[0]) * 90 angle += np.tanh(bend) * 90 theta = np.tanh(bend) * (np.pi/2) x3 = x2 + np.cos(theta)*(x-x2) - np.sin(theta)*(y-y2) y3 = y2 + np.sin(theta)*(x-x2) + np.cos(theta)*(y-y2) head = Rectangle((x3,y3), h_width, h_height, clip_on=False, angle=angle, fc=inhib, zorder=0, alpha=alpha) ax.add_artist(head) def link_auto(k, ax, pos, weight, v=None, scale=1., nodesize=1., alpha=None): # Node coordinates x0, y0 = pos[k,0]*scale, pos[k,1]*scale # Orientation if v is None: v = np.array([1,0]) v /= np.sqrt(np.sum(v**2)) if v[0] > 0: angle0 = np.arcsin(v[1]) * (180/np.pi) else: angle0 = 180 - np.arcsin(v[1]) * (180/np.pi) angle1 = 58 + angle0 angle2 = 300 + angle0 theta = angle0 * (np.pi/180) x, y = x0 + 0.145*scale, y0 x1 = x0 + np.cos(theta)*(x-x0) - np.sin(theta)*(y-y0) y1 = y0 + np.sin(theta)*(x-x0) + np.cos(theta)*(y-y0) # Loop diameter d = 0.15*scale # Case 1: activation if weight > 0: c = activ arc = Arc((x1,y1), d, d, angle=180, theta1=angle1, theta2=angle2-30, lw=1.1*scale, color=c, zorder=0, clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(arc) # Activation head head_width = 0.045*scale head_length = 0.065*scale angle = angle2 - 180 - 30 theta = angle * (np.pi/180) triangle = np.array([ [x1 + d/2 + head_width/2, y1 - head_length/4], [x1 + d/2, y1 + head_length * 3/4], [x1 + d/2 - head_width/2, y1 - head_length/4]]) x, y = triangle[:,0].copy(), triangle[:,1].copy() triangle[:,0] = x1 + np.cos(theta)*(x-x1) - np.sin(theta)*(y-y1) triangle[:,1] = y1 + np.sin(theta)*(x-x1) + np.cos(theta)*(y-y1) triangle -= 0.03 * (triangle[0]-triangle[2]) head = Polygon(triangle, fc=activ, zorder=0, clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(head) # Case 2: inhibition if weight < 0: c = inhib arc = Arc((x1,y1), d, d, angle=180, theta1=angle1, theta2=angle2-2, lw=1.1*scale, color=c, zorder=0, clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(arc) # Inhibition head width = 0.06*scale height = 0.015*scale angle = angle2 - 180 - 2 theta = angle * (np.pi/180) x = x1 - width/2 + d/2 y = y1 - height/2 x2 = x1 + np.cos(theta)*(x-x1) - np.sin(theta)*(y-y1) y2 = y1 + np.sin(theta)*(x-x1) + np.cos(theta)*(y-y1) head = Rectangle((x2,y2), width, height, angle=angle, fc=c, zorder=0, clip_on=False) ax.add_artist(head) def show_empty_plot_warning(): print('Warning: nothing to show in this plot') def is_isolated(gene, inter): """Test whether a gene is isolated.""" G = inter.shape[0] others = (np.arange(G) != gene) targets = np.nonzero(inter[gene,others])[0] factors = np.nonzero(inter[others,gene])[0] return (targets.size == 0) and (factors.size == 0) def is_stimulus_leaf(gene, inter): """Test whether a gene is a leaf of the stimulus.""" G = inter.shape[0] others = (np.arange(G) != gene) targets = np.nonzero(inter[gene,others])[0] factors = np.nonzero(inter[others,gene])[0] if factors.size != 1: return False else: return (targets.size == 0) and (factors[0] == 0) #### Main function ####
[docs] def plot_network(inter, pos, width=1., height=1., scale=1., names=None, vdict=None, tol=None, root=False, axes=None, nodes=None, n0=True, file=None, verb=False, fontsize=None, vcolor=None, nodesize=1., bend=0.14, bend_all=False, alpha=None, hide_isolated_genes=False, hide_stimulus_leaves=False): """Plot a gene regulatory network. Parameters ---------- hide_isolated_genes : bool Hide genes that have no neighbors. hide_stimulus_leaves : bool Hide genes whose only neighbor is the stimulus. """ G, G = inter.shape w, h = width/2.54, height/2.54 # Centimeters if names is None: names = [''] + ['{}'.format(k) for k in range(1,G)] if vcolor is None: vcolor = G * ['#5C5C5C'] if vdict is None: vdict = {} if axes is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w,h), dpi=100, frameon=False) plt.axes((0,0,1,1)) ax = fig.gca() I, J = inter.nonzero() ax.axis('off') else: ax = axes fig = plt.gcf() size = fig.get_size_inches() w, h = size[0], size[1] if nodes is None: I, J = inter.nonzero() else: I, J = nodes, nodes ax.axis('equal') ax.axis('off') ax_pos = ax.get_position() plt.xlim([-w*ax_pos.width/2, w*ax_pos.width/2]) plt.ylim([-h*ax_pos.height/2, h*ax_pos.height/2]) scale = scale * np.min([ax_pos.width,ax_pos.height]) # Decide which genes to show v = set(range(G)) e = set(zip(*inter.nonzero())) if G == 0: show_empty_plot_warning() if hide_isolated_genes: for k in range(1,G): if is_isolated(k, inter): v.discard(k) e.discard((k,k)) if hide_stimulus_leaves: for k in range(1,G): if is_stimulus_leaf(k, inter): v.discard(k) e.discard((0,k)) # Draw nodes for k in v: node(k, ax, pos, names[k], scale, fontsize=fontsize, color=vcolor[k], nodesize=nodesize) # Draw links for k1, k2 in e: weight = inter[k1,k2] if k1 != k2: if (k2, k1) in e: link(k1, k2, ax, pos, weight, bend, scale, nodesize=nodesize, alpha=alpha) else: link(k1, k2, ax, pos, weight, bend*bend_all, scale, nodesize=nodesize, alpha=alpha) else: v = vdict.get(k1) if v is None: b, c = 0, 0 for k in range(G): if (k != k1) and (((k,k1) in e) or ((k1, k) in e)): b += pos[k] c += 1 if c == 0: b, c = 0, 0 for k in np.union1d(I, J): if (k != k1): b += pos[k] c += 1 v = pos[k1] - b/c else: v = np.array(v) d = np.sqrt(np.sum(v**2)) if d > 0: v = v/d else: v = np.array([0,1]) link_auto(k1, ax, pos, weight, v, scale, nodesize=nodesize, alpha=alpha) if file is None: file = 'network.pdf' if axes is None: fig.savefig(file, bbox_inches='tight')